Some people may ask if I ever have doubts if I'm "really a girl." Or something along those lines. I don't believe this to be a rude question, despite the appearance of it on the surface. What they are really asking is if I ever have "Imposter Syndrome."
To this I answer, of course I do! Not only with my gender identity, but my chosen career, my base intelligence, pretty much anything that I see as a positive aspect of my identity can fall subject to Imposter Syndrom. I believe it is a remarkable human being indeed who doesn't suffer from this to some degree or another at various points in their life.
But as I get ready to go out and celebrate a friend's birthday at a fancy restaurant, I catch myself grinning. I get to dress up. I get to look -nice-. It's times like this that remind me... there's no Imposter Syndrome involved. I am firm in my gender, and I am fabulous for it.
I don't know if anybody else can find this story inspiring, but it certainly is to me. Especially whenever I'm finding myself victim of that dreaded Imposter Syndrome.